There has been some concern amongst the community about having a separate chat for the Founder's NFT holders.

28 Apr 2022, 21:32
There has been some concern amongst the community about having a separate chat for the Founder's NFT holders. When launching this NFT, our goal was to create an amazing experience for NFT holders and push our project forward for all of the community our mission is unchanged. After reflecting on the feedback regarding the Founder's Club TG channel, we have decided to tweak the way we communicate with Founders in a way that will continue to provide Founders with exclusive perks, while also providing the community with transparency into the amazing benefits that Founders will receive. Therefore, we will be suspending the Founder's Club TG and instead communicate with Founders via the main TG. We see this as a benefit to NFT holders, the community, and the Pawthereum project. This will continue to give exclusive perks to Founders while also marketing the benefits of holding the NFT to the community and potential holders. As the community grows, this could be something that gets new Pawtherians excited about one day getting the chance to hold an NFT. We will of course provide all the necessary tools to verify the wallets holding the NFT so that the perks can be provided directly to those Founders. We are fully committed to the overall success of the project and want to provide a great experience for everyone. We thank you for your continued support and we welcome feedback on this decision in addition to all future decisions made for the project. Core team